Blog almost anywhere

Blog almost anywhere
  • Writer lets you publish to almost any blog service, includingWindows Live, WordPress,Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad,SharePoint, Community Server, and many more. Don’t have a blog yet? Writer can help you set one up.
What you see is what you get

What you see is what you get
  • With Writer, you can preview everything you’re adding to your blog, to see how the fonts, spacing, colors, and images will look, before you publish.
Bring your blog to life

Bring your blog to life
  • It's fast and easy to make your photos and videos look great on your blog. Insert them and apply cool borders and effects. You can even pull your photos together into an album—just select the style you want.
Plug in some extras

Plug in some extras
  • Writer is already packed with useful features, but if you like to tinker, there are all sorts of plug-ins you can add to help you do even more—like insert your stuff from Facebook, Flickr, and other websites.